Sunday, May 5, 2013

365 28 Apr - 4 May

This week was all about nature, birds & snow.  Yes!!! SNOW!!! On May 2nd & 3rd.  We ended up with 3 inches of snow.  The blessing of the snow was that it made the Baltimore Orioles & Red Breasted Grosbeaks come down from the top of the trees looking for food.  Here is my week,

Sunday 28 April, 2013

 It was finally sunny enough for my tulips to open. YEAH!!!!

Monday 29 April 2013

 I finally had time to refill all the bird feeders, and a good thing because they new what was coming this week & we had a major feeding frenzy going on in our backyard.  This little downy woodpecker was a constant visitor.

Tuesday 30 April, 2013

 I put out two new squirrel feeders hoping it would keep them away from the bird feeders.  This squirrel was guarding one of the squirrel feeders (below him, can't see it) from other squirrels.

Wednesday 1 May, 2013

No Pic

Thursday 2 May, 2013

This was the day for pictures & making history.  The first two pics are from the morning.  I caught this squirrel trying to get to my bird feeders.  You can just see him saying "Who me, stealing food?"

New Bird!!!!!!  First time I have seen this bird at the feeders, it is a White Crowned Sparrow.

Then the storm hit - this was taken about 3:30pm.

This was taken an hour later.  We ended up with 3 inches of SNOW!!!!  Some towns near us only got an inch & some got up to 8 inches. CRAZY!!!!!  We made history as having snow in May has only happened 4 times in recorded history for Missouri, now 5.

Friday 3 May, 2013

 The bird in front is an immature male, Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  First time I have seen an immature male.
 This is what he will look like when he matures.  We haven't had a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at our feeders in two years.  Nice to see them again.

Saturday 4 May, 2013

While I was out garage sale shopping with my in-laws, my husband was so nice to take some pictures of Baltimore Orioles that came to eat.  It has been two years since we have seen these birds at the feeders too.

Well that is my week.  Hope this next one has as many nice pics.  I'm subbing a kindergarten class from now until 23 May when school gets out.  The teacher went on maternity leave & should be having her little girl on Monday.  The kindergarten teacher is my husband's 3rd cousin's once removed wife, so a new family member will soon be here


  1. Oh I love all the bird pictures - so pretty! I can't believe you guys got snow. That's just crazy!

  2. Great photos. My favorite is the red flower. It is gorgeous.
