Saturday, February 5, 2011

My little life Jan 29- Feb 4

Well another week has gone by & I'm a year older.  Here are my pictures for the week.  I had surgery on my head/brain 8 weeks ago, so I don't get out much while I'm recovering plus the 9 inches of snow on top of 8 inches of snow doesn't help either.  It has been a good week & look forward to the next one already starting.  Also I did manage to get a picture every day from Saturday to Friday.  That made me really happy.

Jan 29
We attended a workshop at church all day Saturday & were blessed to teach one of the classes.  This is Pastor Robert F. Loggins Sr. from St. Louis who was our workshop leader/speaker.  The workshop was on his book The Journey to Wholeness & Holiness, Fasting & Praying.  We had a wonderful time & learned a lot.

Jan 30
God bless me with 43 years of life today.  Wow, I remember thinking how old that was when I was a kid, yet I don't feel old at all.  Pastor Loggins was our guest speaker at both morning & evening service.  We had a carry in supper at church.  During the meal, my sweet Pastor grabbed this piece of angel food cake off the dessert table, took the candle from the center piece on the table he was eating at, crept up behind me, place the cake in front of me & started singing happy birthday.  I turned red, but felt a lot of love from my church family.  God is good.

Jan 31
The three cats watching "Birdie TV".  With a blizzard on the way, our bird feeders were very active & kept the cats occupied for a couple of hours.  Fuzzy on the left, Motor in the middle & Stripes on the right.  Fuzzy & Stripes are sister from the same litter.  Motor adopted us.  I didn't get any bird pictures because ice was forming on the window.

Feb 1
The blizzard has hit & this American Gold Finch is trying to get something to eat, wings are lock & ready to land but wait......

A  big gust of wind comes & blows the poor little one backward & up toward the top of the feeder.  It had to try several times before it finally landed on the feeder to eat.  The wind got up to 40mph that day.

Feb 2
Oh my, what is that yellow thing coming up in the sky???  Could it be the sun??? Will we finally see the light???  We started this day with negative numbers but did make it to the teens.  We had 9 inches of snow on the ground with drifts up to 3 feet high.  My husband couldn't go to work because highway 146 north of us was snowed in.  They finally clear our part of 146 sometime around 1:00pm.

Feb 3
 I had to post two because these sight don't happen that often.  The first one is a picture of a pair of cardinals.  I have seen the females come in together & the males come in together but never one female and male this close together.  I was so excited to get a picture of them this close.  Most of the time if the come in together they are at least 4 feet apart.

Next, we had "Bunny TV"!  We have had rabbits come in to the feeders in the summer time, but not winter.  I usually can't get a picture because as soon as they see me through the picture window, they run.  This little bunny enjoyed eating all the thistle seed the finches and wind had dropped on the ground.  I think he was there for about an hour.

Feb 4
This is the street north of our house.  My first day out since the snow storm.  I was heading to town to pick up my husband from work the we were headed to Kansas City to see a friend in the hospital.  This was all the snow blown on the north side of our block.  Also to clarify where I live - I live in a small farming town, Gilman City, of about 370 people in the "city" limits.  We have a bank, restaurant, gas station, lumber yard & grain/feed place.  You can say Gilman is a "Bread & Breakfast" town.  People eat & live here but that is it.  It use not to be that way but that is a totally different blog.  "Heading to town" means going to Bethany 20 miles NE of us which has a population between 3,000 & 3,500.  Bethany is where everything is for us, job, church, food, etc. 

That is all for this week.  Look forward to seeing what comes in view of my camera this next week.  Have a great day.


  1. I used to live in Imbler OR population 307 who live within "city limits". We had a store, post office, church and diner. They no longer have the diner now though. We used to get major snow drifts and the county didn't plow our road because we didn't live on a main one. Town was 12 miles to the south. I know exactly what you mean!

    Love the pics of the kitties in the window and the poor birdie trying to land. How fun that you watched and photographed it happening.

  2. I love the picture of your kitties in the window too!! you can just imagine what is in their minds! :)

    Such great pictures of the birds. so I am curious is it not normal for male and female cardinals to be together? I don't know anything about birds.

  3. It looks like a great week, I love all the animal pics. I would be thrilled to see a bunny at my feeder!

    Have a fantastic week,

  4. Happy birthday to you! Lovin' all of your nature pix. And your kitties are too cute.

  5. GREAT bird pictures, I love watching the birds that show up in my yard!


  6. the bird pic is so cool! we have a bunny living under our deck, but I don't think I could ever get a picture of it. he's way too fast.
